
Marketing for the Anti-Social

How someone with ADHD and Autism can breakout with more business than they can handle even if they consider WC’s there largest social gatherings of the year. Going over how to outsource yourself to other more social companies.

Intro to WordPress Hooks

WordPress hooks are everywhere- in core, in plugins, in that theme you just bought. They’re there to make your life easier, and keep you from breaking their code, but how does one go about using them? Learn how to use filters and actions to tie into the core page flow, plugins, and theme functions to take your WordPress development to the next level.

WooCommerce Basics

Best practices to get WooCommerce started for you and your client. Will go over the steps and worksheet to get client store online. This is geared towards those who have WordPress experience and will include a worksheet handout for future use.

Choosing your WordPress Development Crew

The time has come to adopt WordPress. 26% of all sites are using it to drive business on the web, but you need more than the famous 5 minute install. You’re looking to do something special and you need a team of professionals to do it. You’re coming to the right place. WordCamp is chock full of developers and agencies, all eager to help, but how do you choose the right team? How do you; side-step problems, remove delays, communicate needs and align them with the right capabilities? Let’s tackle those questions and ensure you come out the other end with the best site, both on time and on budget.

The good, the bad & the ugly of finding & keeping work as a freelancer

I’ll explore what I’ve done over the last 13 years to grow my freelance business, what I’ve done wrong, and the lessons learned. I’ll cover:

• How to get business without cold calling
• Why social media works – and sometimes doesn’t.
• How to get (lousy) clients
• How to be a lousy freelancer
• How to be a good freelancer
• Contracts
• Discussing money
• Getting paid

But Why? Designing For Strategy

Designers and non-designers alike can get caught up in the aesthetics and functionality of a website, and forget that every decision made should be supported by an underlying strategy. We will discuss how to find your site’s primary call to action and create experiences that support that goal. We will also evaluate design choices of many well-known sites as we examine how they help (or hinder) common goals. Whether you’re a designer, developer, or a person maintaining a site, you will come away with a critical eye for evaluating design patterns and a process for narrowing down a design strategy.

eCommerce Speed Demon: The Pursuit of 800ms

In eCommerce, speed is your most important metric. Mere milliseconds can mean the difference between a sale and an abandoned cart. I’ve spent a good portion of the last three years in pursuit of page speed, exploring caching, virtual machines, hosting platforms, SSL negotiation time, CSS preprocessing, minification, inline styles and WooCommerce optimizations with the goal of sub-one second pageloads. Using real-world examples, I’ll show you the results I’ve been able to achieve and how to replicate them yourself.