Tag Archives: developer

Recap: Adam Silver and Kyle Maurer’s WordPress Experts AMA

Adam SilverKyle Maurer
Adam Silver and Kyle Maurer (@heyadamsilver and @MrKyleMaurer) gave a talk titled WordPress Experts AMA on Sunday, May 1 at 9:00 PM.

Note: this question and answer session was a last-minute addition when both of them volunteered to fill in an unexpected gap in our schedule. Here are the two sessions they came to give:

Session Announcement

Social Recap

Here’s our live twitter coverage that captured many of the questions at the session
Continue reading Recap: Adam Silver and Kyle Maurer’s WordPress Experts AMA

Recap: Jim Birch’s Intro for Command Line Beginners

Jim Birch (@thejimbirch) gave a talk titled Command Line for the Beginner on Sunday, May 1 at 10:00 AM.

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Social Recap

Here are some of the highlights and tips our audience shared on Twitter:
Continue reading Recap: Jim Birch’s Intro for Command Line Beginners

Recap: Topher DeRosia’s talk on Increasing Quality and Security With PHPCS

Topher DeRosia
Topher DeRosia (@topher1kenobe) gave a talk titled Increasing Quality and Security With PHPCS on Saturday, April 30 at 3:00 PM.

What is PHPCS?

PHP Code Sniffer examines PHP code and compares it to a standards file

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Social Recap

Here are some of the highlights and tips our audience shared on Twitter:

Recap: Chris Wiegman’s Extending WP_CLI With Custom Commands Talk

Chris Wiegman
Chris Wiegman (@ChrisWiegman) gave a talk titled Make WP_CLI Work For You: Extending WP_CLI With Custom Commands on Saturday, April 30 at 2:00 PM.

Not familiar with WP-CLI? Here’s his definition:

WP-CLI is a PHP script that interacts with WordPress from the command line (Unix).
WP-CLI is not, itself, a plugin.

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Social Recap

Here are some of the highlights and tips our audience shared on Twitter:


Recap: Boone Gorges on Backward Compatibility as a Design Principle

Boone Gorges
Boone Gorges gave a talk titled Backward Compatibility as a Design Principle on Saturday, April 30 at 10:00 AM.

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Social Recap

Here are some of the highlights and tips our audience shared on Twitter: