
So You Think You Can’t Video

Does the thought of creating video content scare the crap our of you? Do you want to create video content but not sure where to start? In this session, you will learn what equipment you will need and tips to start creating great video content for your WordPress site.

Your Ultimate Checklist after Launching Your WP Site

The talk will discuss important items to check off your list after launching a new wp site, including, but not limited to, submitting a site map to search engines webmaster tools, checking every link, ensuring that the robot.txt is readable, google analytics, permalinks, update all relevant plugins and disable those not being used, manually backup site, seo plugin installed e.g yoast, disabling comments and using captcha on all forms. The talk will make available a handy checklist that attendees will be able to use for all their WordPress projects.

Make WP_CLI Work For You: Extending WP_CLI With Custom Commands

WP_CLI is a powerful tool, even right out of the box. But it can be made to do so much more. This talk will discuss extending WP_CLI by adding your own commands. Whether for simple site maintenance or helping to manage clients learn to utilize WP_CLI to it’s maximum extent the right way with tips on adding commands, handling input and output and making sure that users can figure out just what your command is doing. This is an advanced talk appropriate for intermediate to advanced developers.

Command Line for the Beginner

This session will introduce the incredible potential of using the command line in developing for the web.

Interested WordPress designers and developers will gain the knowledge of using SSH to connect to servers, Git for version control, WP-CLI for interfacing with WordPress, Aliases and Bash scripts for common tasks, and automation/task runners like Grunt and Gulp.

Attendees will come away from the session with their interest piqued, with the desire to learn more about using the command line in their workflow.

Backward Compatibility as a Design Principle

What is “backward compatibility”, and why is it so important to WordPress? I’ll describe a couple of examples from the history of the project that demonstrate the hoops that WordPress has jumped through – or has chosen not to jump through – in the name of back-compat and user trust. I’ll talk about how the project’s approach to backward compatibility underscores the development of nearly all new features in WordPress. And I’ll say a few words about the lessons that plugin and theme developers might want to take from WP core’s approach to back-compat.

Never Launch without Training

Every year I meet dozens of people who have WordPress sites and don’t have any idea how to use them. As WordPress professionals, we have an obligation to make sure our small business owners know how to add, edit and even update their own sites. This is why people want a WordPress site in the first place! It’s actually pretty easy to do and adds real value and client satisfaction to a project. In this session, I’ll be covering training and development techniques that empower the site owner.

Increasing Quality and Security With PHPCS

This talk will introduce the concept of WordPress coding standards and then discuss PHPCS. We’ll demonstrate how it can improve code quality and reveal security issues.