Breakdown of Common Beginner Struggles & Solutions

Adam Silver is a speaker at WordCamp Chicago this talking about Breakdown of Common Beginner Struggles & Solutions. Get to know him below!


Adam teaches a beginner WordPress course at his local adult school, presents a monthly WordPress seminar at SBDC, runs the SouthBay WordPress Meetup and produces a weekly podcast over at In spare time he hangs out with his wickedly cool 3 kids & wife, and makes some really bad puns, since someone has to.

WordCamp Chicago Mini-Interview

  1. When did you first become interested in WordPress?

I heard about WordPress in 2006-2007 in the ether, but didn’t really start using it until late 2008 early 2009.  I actually tried two other CMS’s before making the transition.

  1. What motivated you to speak at WordCamp? 

I really enjoy sharing, teaching as well as learning from others.  I just wish I was this excited about learning when I was in school!

  1. Why do you think WordPress is different from other web platforms?

Everyone says it’s the community, and I agree, though there are other reasons as well.  The mission as Matt states is to “Deomcratize Publishing” and we shouldn’t lose site of that.  Publishing content of any sort gives people a voice to be heard that didn’t exist in the past.  Additonally, there is a place for all sorts of people within WordPress: developers, designers, trainers and project managers.  The platform is growing and that only happens with there is a support system in place.