Emily Barney

Organizer Role: Social Media, Speaker Interviewer & Photography

Emily Barney is the Technology Development and Training Librarian at IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law, where she uses WordPress to host blogs and project websites for faculty, staff, and students. Besides managing WordPress sites for the law school where she works, Emily has also created and manages WordPress sites for her community garden, church, and another nonprofit organization.

How did you get involved in WordCamp?

I’ve been attending WordCamp Chicago since 2010. In 2011, I shared my notes on the site as a guest blogger after the weekend was done and was invited to join in the fun officially. Last year, in 2012, I helped with social media and photography. This year I’ve been adding interviews with our speakers and planning more ways to make this site as useful as possible!

Tell us something else about yourself:

I’m always spinning plates with multiple projects, from home improvement to gardening, new websites to travel plans. Or I’m reading if I need a break. My photography and cooking sometimes appear together on my recipe blog The Kitchen Tourist (which runs on WordPress, of course).

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