Aaron Holbrook

Lead Organizer

Aaron started crafting websites came at the age of 14, when he built a fan site for his favorite video game: Age of Empires. This passion led to a degree in Computer Science and Mathematics and, befitting the game, a minor in Economics. Aaron cultivated a passion for HTML, CSS and PHP and built his own Content Management System months before discovering WordPress in 2004.

After managing a hospital website for 5 years, Aaron’s passion for engineering online publishing solutions drove him to focus on WordPress full time. Before he knew it, Aaron found himself speaking at 5 WordCamps and leading the organization of WordCamp Chicago 2013. He even managed to make core contributions to WordPress 3.5 and 3.6 and release a few plug-ins on the official repository.

Tell us something else about yourself:

When Aaron isn’t rocking WordPress, he’s playing video games (he’ll even cop to watching “professional StarCraft matches”), working out, hanging out with his 2 kids, and on at least one occasion, jumping out of airplanes.

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