Becky Davis –

Becky will be presenting Project Management or How to Herd Cats on Sunday in the Business/Project Management track
Becky is a solopreneur web designer/developer who specializes in custom themes. She fell in love with WordPress in 2009 and has never looked back. She is a big advocate for training and empowering site owners and to that end speaks regularly on WordPress and web design at SCORE Chicago and runs the Northside Chicago WordPress meetup.
Her kids are both out of the house at this point, but she still takes care of the kitties and her landlord’s garden. She is grateful that winter is over and she can once again ride her bike to the grocery store and to meet friends at the bar.
Why do you use WordPress?
At this point I know it so well, that’s there’s very little that I can’t do with it. I also like giving my clients as much control as possible.
What would you say to convince someone to attend a WordCamp?
Best, most affordable, most approachable tech conference around. You always learn something, meet interesting people and leave with your brain buzzing.
What is your favorite WordPress project you have worked on recently?
This is actually a collection of several sites under one corporate umbrella. We got the consumer (pet birds) side with a shopping cart and custom post types done last year. The larger membership restricted informational Vet site is getting re-done this year.
Do you have any advice for someone looking to start or grow a WordPress based business?
Never discount a job and not charge what you’re worth, never stop learning and remember to give back. Doing presentations at meetups and Camps is a great way to learn more yourself and what makes the whole WP community so cool.
What is your favorite WordPress-related resource?
Google & twitter – seriously, so many good sources, never know where I’m going to find the answer I’m looking for.
Tell us something awesome about yourself that is not WordPress related
I make some of the best cookies on the planet and over the holidays I’ve been known to go through over 5 pounds of butter. My secret? My great grandmother’s copy of Betty Crocker to start.