Heather Acton –

I’m the founder of and developer at Helio Interactive, a fresh WordPress development shop in Chicago, IL. We specialize in custom themes and user experience, and pride ourselves in providing unparalleled client services. When I’m not brainstorming with a client or building a site, I’m likely cuddling with my kiddos, sipping a craft beer, or at a Dave Matthews Band concert.
She will be a part of the WordPress Business Owners Panel on Sunday.
Interview with Heather:
Why do you use WordPress?
I use WordPress to feed my family, improve myself, and build others’ businesses.
What do you like best about WordCamps?
I love catching up with all of my friends in the community. Typically we’re all holed up in our offices and rarely get the opportunity to spend a whole weekend talking and learning about our favorite CMS.
What is your favorite tip or resource for a new WordPress user?
Backup all the things! Update them too!
What is a common problem you see in WordPress sites, and how would you avoid it?
Too many plugins! I coach clients to not pimp out their site too much. For newer developers, I coach them to not use plugins that can easily be replaced with a few lines of custom code.
Do you have any advice for a person who’s building a business around WordPress design/development?
1) Do great work over and over again. 2) Always be a joy to work with. 3) Be patient while repeating 1 & 2 over and over, and great things will come to you and your business.