Hey Chicagoans! I’m very pleased to be able to announce that we selected our venue and have secured our dates for this year’s WordCamp Chicago: June 28th, 29th and 30th at the University Center Conference Chicago.
What is WordCamp?
It’s a low-cost event where WordPress users and enthusiasts gather to learn and share how to get the most out of WordPress and it’s community. WordCamps are renowned to have incredible workshops and speakers, but most importantly, it’s a fun environment to meet others and share knowledge, ideas and experiences with one another.
Why Three Days?
Some other WordCamps have been experimenting with adding on a third “Foundation Friday”, which is held the day before the actual event starts and is perfect for people to come and learn all things WordPress (basically it’s a primer to get your gears rolling before the event starts!). We’ll be shooting to have four different levels ranging from the 100-level super beginner, What is WordPress/How to get started – all the way up to 400-level advanced developer sessions.
Stay tuned and make sure to sign up for updates – we’ll be posting a call for speakers, sponsors and volunteers shortly. Also – you’ll make sure you want to get a ticket early this year, space is limited this year and we WILL sell out!
Sign up to receive updates!
–Aaron Holbrook