Join us! This is going to be a great event.
- Great food & drink
- Great venue
- Walking distance from WordCamp Chicago
- Great opportunity to get to know other WCCHI attendees
Bar Louie / Dearborn Station
This year the afterparty is located at Bar Louie – Dearborn Station (47 W. Polk St.)
It’s just a short four block walk from the WCCHI University Center location. How convenient is that!
We’ll be gathering together Saturday evening at 6:30 pm, not that long after the the close of the last WC sessions. We’ll have ample food waiting for you including vegetarian fare so you can simply stroll on over and keep the conversations going.
More Info: Their Bar Louie – Dearborn Station FB page
On the Menu:
- Drink tickets – Well liquor, Domestic bottles. We’ve got more than enough for one each for all attendees. After that, cash bar. 😉
- “Build Your Own Burger Buffet”
- Hamburgers
- Assorted cheese
- Grilled mushrooms
- Lettuce, tomato, jalapeno, giardinera, pickles
- Fries
- Full salad bar for our vegetarian pals
The venue: Bar Louie | Dearborn Station

Check this. This is one of our favorite downtown locations, firstly because Bar Louie has great food but also we’re huge architecture buffs. It’s in the DNA of many Chicagoans. The old Dearborn Station is a wonderful, historic, distinctly Chicago location. If you’re visiting Chicago you’ll enjoy the experience of entering this wonderful example of adaptive reuse of an important historic Chicago landmark. Curious what this landmark looked like back in the day? Chicago’s Dearborn Station: Circa 1910.
A Word about WordCamp After-Parties (by Rick and Ana)
So we’ve attended, nearly a dozen WordCamps across the Mid-west and as far away as Miami over the last five years. For us much of the value of WordCamps are in fact the after-parties. We, Ana says it’s just me. 🙂 generally attend WordCamps with some explicit stated objectives when we attend. Ana claims simply to want to have some fun, hang out and get out of town for a bit. I generally have in mind a specific problem we’re dealing with or burning question we’re sure someone has grappled with, getting some feedback on an idea etc. Of course we expect unexpected wonderfulness but we typically have a few things in mind. If we can gain X insight or relationship, WordCamp to the greatest extent will have been a success for us. Further, it’s the opportunity for us to experience some connectedness with the broader WordPress community.
We love the sessions. There’s always something more to learn. The make-or-break moment however for us typically comes down to that one or several conversations we had with someone or that breakthrough from acquaintance to friend. These are the conversations with the presenters, the organizers and other attendees. Frequently these conversations happen where? You guessed it… the after-party.
A tip or two
Personally, I’m in full possession of all those stereotypical geeky, nerdy introverted social skills or should I say lack-thereof. So this is coming not from suave expertise but rather struggling to make the best of it with the rest of you. A room full of strangers and particularly those arranged in fixed constellations of seeming old-friends and intimates can be daunting. You should take comfort in the expectation that the WordPress community is particularly warm and welcoming.
In circumstances such as this I turn to a favorite authority. The Art of Manliness where in their post The Art of Conversation is offered 5 Do’s, 5 Don’ts and 4 things Not to say.
(Yes, sorry ladies this is mostly addressed to your male colleagues. Like male patterned baldness this is an affliction borne more commonly by ourselves.)
Two things we would echo.
- Tip One: I like having one or two question in mind, particularly if it dovetails from a session you attended. It invites others to talk and shine.
- Tip Two: Sharing my lame-o secret weapon here. 🙂 Bring your wife as I do or your girlfriend. The innate social lubricant the fairer sex affords you cannot be matched at any price.
If you’re really in a pinch, find Ana-n-I. We’ll introduce you to some of the friends we’ve made.
So there you have it. When driving home from a WordCamp our conversation more often revolves around the people we’ve met and the conversations we’ve had. Don’t check-out early, reserve some energy and join us for the after-party. Chances are good it could be your best time spent at WCCHI.
After-after party?
If you want to carry on the party still later we’ve another even later recommendations for you.
In the very same building and just steps away is one of the premier Chicago Jazz venues, The Jazz Showcase.
Keep in mind, get your sleep. You don’t want to miss the Sunday sessions. There are a lot of wonderful things planned for you.
So Saturday night, we’ve got you covered. See you there.
Afterparty Coordinators, WordCamp Chicago