Glitch with @Eventbrite Registrations..and other notes

Good morning, WordCampers!

Did you know there is only 92 days left until WordCamp Chicago??  Hoping you’re as excited as I am – because this year is going to be amazing!

Couple things to go over this morning for you all….

  1. Registration FAIL! There appears to be somewhat of a glitch in the Eventbrite registration system.  If, when you registered, your payment got processed via PayPal – but you got a message saying “Your registration for WordCamp Chicago is not complete” – let us know via comments here.  We’ve had a handful of people who have paid for registration but, for whatever reason, Eventbrite did not include them in the attendees list and has not sent out the printable ticket and confirmation.  I apparently need to gather all the names and transaction ID’s to provide to Eventbrite so they can look into it…and that’s a pretty timely process to compare payments to our attendees list manually, but I’m making my way through it and you could greatly help if you happen to be one of the aforementioned people and can just leave me a note here.  Thank you, in advance!
  2. Speakers and the schedule!! I know you all are very very patiently waiting for us to get the speakers list and program available – and we are working on it.  We were delayed by the earlier issue we had with the venue, which completely threw us off schedule over here.  Once Brian has a suitable level of Starbucks caffeine in him (seriously, Starbucks should sponsor us, don’t you think?), however, he is working to get this published.  Once again, thank you, everyone, for your continued patience, and I do promise that we are making progress with the program and should have one up for you shortly!
  3. Sponsors! Sponsorship opportunities are still available and we are still looking for sponsorships to help cover expenses such as catering, t-shirts, bags, name tags/lanyards and other incidentals.  Ch-ch-checkout our sponsorship information on this page.  We’ve also placed a Donate Now! button in the sidebar (over there –>) for those of you who want to help out, but cannot afford full sponsorship.  We have had a couple of individual donations, and we’re listing them, with a link, on our sponsors page, as well.

That is it for now.

92 days left until WordCamp Chicago – – are you coming?  Are you bringing a friend, or two?

About Heather Acton

WordPress engineer building custom themes and plugins for clients with purpose. Specialties include design (Figma/Sketch/Photoshop) to theme, admin usability, and WooCommerce / Woo Subscriptions performance and customization.
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12 Responses to “Glitch with @Eventbrite Registrations..and other notes

  1. Scott Lee says:

    Hey Lisa,
    I received the Regstration not complete email too. What do you need from me?

  2. Same as Scott Lee – a day later got the email that registration did not complete. What all do u need.

  3. Luke Rumley says:

    I got that email, then followed up with Eventbrite, who then sent me my printable ticket. Do you think I am all set? Not sure if this my transaction ID or not: 533564907-9497045

  4. geri says:

    Hi, I also had this glitch and emailed eventbrite who in turn told me to email the wordcamp organizers which I did but haven’t had an answer yet since March 11.